Loan Module

About the Loan Module


The Loan Module is used to capture loan information accurately and to assist you with managing loans effectively in your organisation.


The Loan Module allows for the following:








The Loan Module caters for the recording of the following Loans issued by the Company:



You are still able to use the regular Loans line.


The Loan Module Process

A step-by-step explanation of all aspects necessary for capturing loan information using the Loan Module follows.


Step 1: Company Parameters

1. Create a Loan Module type deduction line on the Deduction Definition Screen.
2. Define Access Control by giving access rights to the operators who will be working with the Loan Module information.
3. Access the Loan Control Screen and complete the Company Details Tab as well as the specific loan type tab(s) that will be accommodated.
4. Define the Loan Description codes.
5. Copy the Loan Module setup to another company

Step 2: Employee Input

1. Use the Loan Calculator to calculate the maximum loan amount, the repayment amount and/or the effect of an additional payment or shorter loan period on the repayment amount.
2. Enter the loan details on the Employee Loan Information Screen.
3. Use the Loan Global Activation function to update interest rate changes.

Step 3: Loan Module Reports

1. Loan Statement Report.
2. Loan Report.
3. Company Totals.



Step 1: Company Parameters

Certain company specific parameters need to be defined before input can be done for individual employees, before the loan calculations can be performed and before the necessary Loan Module reports can be printed, namely:









Step 2: Employee Input


After the company parameters have been defined, you are ready to proceed with input on employee level.


Employee input can be categorised into the following areas, namely:





To display the result of the requested calculation, click on the Calculator button.

The calculation result can be printed by clicking on the Print button in the top left-hand corner of the screen.











Step 3 – Loan Module Reports


After the company parameters have been defined and all employee input has been completed, you can print the necessary Loan Module reports.


These reports contain loan reconciliation information and opens up in a preview screen, allowing you to select the pages you want to print.


Main Menu > Payroll > Loan Module > Reports


The following reports are Standard Loan Reports: